viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

Go to the university
In the afternoon
9:00 cook
In the morning
7:30 study in the morning  
2:00 visit  to my grandmother  in the afternoon
1:30 whatch tv
In the Afternoon  
6:45 relax
In the evining
 sleep late
In the afternoon

7:00 go to the spping in the night
6:30 play my niece in the evening
4:40  clean my hose in the evening
7:00go out with friends
11:20 go to bed late in the night
8:00 share  with my boyfriends in the night
5:00 spend time with my family in the evening

Monday  9:00 go to the unirsity in the afternoon and 6:30 go to the shopping  in the nigth, Tuesday 9:00 cook in the morning and 6:30 play with my niece in the evening, Wednesday 7:00 study in the morning and 4:00 clean my house in the evening,Thursday 3:00 visit to my gradmother in the afternoon and 11:00 do to bed late in the nigth, friday 1:00 watch tv in the afternoon and 7:00 go out with friends, Saturday 6:00 relax in the  evening and 8:00 share with my  boyfriends in the night, Sunday sleep late and 5:00 spend time with my family

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